Make Córdoba the Global HUB for BIM services

What is the Córdoba BIM cluster?

The Córdoba BIM Cluster is a space where innovation and collaboration are promoted for the implementation of the BIM (Building Information Modeling) methodology.

It is the first cluster focused on this technology in the entire country, whose companies have a long history of offering this service.

Companies that make up the cluster:


Be references at the local, national and regional level and generate associativity

Promote digital transformation to have a more efficient industry, thus contributing to sustainability

Generate opportunities to export BIM services from Córdoba.

Value proposal

Activities and projects

Associativity and Networking: Promotion of collaboration and strategic alliances to achieve group objectives.

Talent Development: Connection with educational institutions and training opportunities for future professionals.

Economic Benefits: Negotiations with governments and multilateral organizations and advice for financing.

Commercial Expansion: Strategies to approach potential clients and strengthen negotiation power.

Innovation and Quality: Investment in R&D and optimization of resources to improve product quality.

A space where innovation and collaboration are promoted.

Córdoba, Argentina