About Us
Córdoba BIM Cluster is a space for innovation and cooperation dedicated to the implementation of the Building Information Modeling (BIM) methodology. Our goal is to transform the construction industry through the integration of this advanced technology, promoting eficciency and digitalization on every project.
Being the first cluster focusing on BIM in Argentina, we bring together leading long standing companies in the BIM services market that are pushing the future of the building industry in the country.
The Plan Córdoba BIM 2024 aims at modernizing infrastructure management in the province through Building Information Modeling (BIM). Its goal is to optimize public and private works in line with international standards to improve quality, sustainability and efficiency in the building industry. The plan relies on the Estate’s political vision, regulations, investments and the commitment of the private sector, with a collaborative focus between public, private and educational players. Córdoba BIM Cluster will be the implementing unit of the plan’s roadmap.
BuiltLab is a group of public and private institutions headquartered in Córdoba that aim to push research and development of digital solutions in the buinding industry.
Together, we promote the creation of practical and applicable solutions that face the real challenges of the AIC industry, specially focusing on sustainability, efficiency and security.
We’ve established valuable agreements among the Colegio de Arquitectos, Colegio de Ingenieros, Clúster de la Construcción, Universidad Blas Pascal, Universidad Católica de Córdoba, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales UNC, and Universidad Tecnológica Nacional Facultad Regional Córdoba. These agreements have enriched our work and strengthen our relationship with the educational industry.
We organize seminars and conferences for our associates in architecture, engineering and building, bringig them access to:
Specialized contents: workshops and lectures about current trends, technology and regulations.
Industry experts: opportunities to lear from renowned leaders who share their experience.
Contact network: networking spaces to connect with other professionals and expand their network.
The Plan Córdoba BIM 2024 aims at modernizing infrastructure management in the province through Building Information Modeling (BIM). Its goal is to optimiza public and private works in line with international standars to improve quality, sustainability and efficiency in the building industry. The plan relies on the Estate’s political vision, regulations, investments and the commitment of the private sector, with a collaborative focus between public, private and educational players. Córdoba BIM Cluster wil be the implementing unit of the plan’s roadmap.
BuiltLab is a group of public and private institutions headquartered in Córdoba that aim to push research and development of digital solutions in the buinding industry.
Together, we promote the creation of practical and applicable solutions that face the real challenges of the AIC industry, specially focusing on sustainability, efficiency and security.
We’ve established valuable agreements among the Colegio de Arquitectos, Colegio de Ingenieros, Clúster de la Construcción, Universidad Blas Pascal, Universidad Católica de Córdoba, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales UNC, and Universidad Tecnológica Nacional Facultad Regional Córdoba. These agreements have enriched our work and strengthen our relationship with the educational industry.
We organize seminars and conferences for our associates in architecture, engineering and building, bringig them access to:
Specialized contents: workshops and lectures about current trends, technology and regulations.
Industry experts: opportunities to lear from renowned leaders who share their experience.
Contact network: networking spaces to connect with other professionals and expand their network.
Follow us on LinkedIn and see our latest new, trends and achievements from our BIM community.
Are you ready to be a part of BIM transformation?
Reach us and find out how you can join Córdoba BIM Cluster to boost innovation in the building industry together.